Customized Health Care Consulting
Whatever you focus on becomes more likely to happen.
That’s why planning for success improves the likelihood for success to occur. Don’t wait until
problems arise to have a contingency plan in place. In addition to The Empowered Leader, I offer personalized guidance that treats your healthcare organization like an individual.
From mindset training to change management policies, I partner with you to prepare for the
BEST possible outcome: improving the professional well-being within your organization to allow your employees to meet specified objectives.
My worst day working in a hospital setting is marked by a lack of support and ineffective communication from hospital management.
Working the night shift in busy Level I trauma center, I had an extremely sick surgical patient,
who came out of the operating room bleeding profusely, on a level 1 rapid infuser.
Unfortunately, the surgical team couldn’t stop the patient’s excessive bleeding, requiring us to start the exsanguination protocol. We managed to save that patient’s life – but almost didn’t. I stayed well past my shift to complete all my charting so that I wouldn’t fall behind when I returned later that night.
Ten hours later, I checked my email and saw that I’d received the nastiest email from a member of
upper management, telling me that I’d forgotten to chart my 0300 urine output and “it needs to not
happen again or else…” The patient I had saved had required 40 units of blood, yet hospital
management had criticized me about a missed urine output.
This is one example of the emotional stressors that exacerbate staffing challenges in hospitals.
Customized Health Care Consulting
Empowerment for health care
entities and their leaders.
Our partnership includes access to an array of tools and training designed to help you build your
leadership models and effective teams, as well as tackle the challenges that stand in the way,
such as organizational management, staff retention and quality control improvement.